Efficient Policy Management and Communication

EduSafe Compliance Solution allows you to manage and communicate updates related to policies, procedures, or regulations efficiently. Used by Health & Safety Departments, compliance teams & HR managers, EduSafe ensures staff have a solid grasp of orgnisational information to stay on top of compliance.

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Key Features of Our Compliance Solutions

Recipient Management

Seamlessly distribute information based on categories, such as user, notice topic or subject.

Document Templates

Standardise your online notices and announcements with our professional forms.

Real-time Reporting

Access comprehensive data on notice distribution and user activity, enabling compliance tracking.

Digital Sign-off

Securely obtain digital sign-off for policies, annoucements, etc., ensuring full compliance and audit readiness.

Our Compliance Solutions Workflows

Document Distribution

  • Upload the announcement, policies, and notices or create new ones with our available templates.
  • Distribute the important documents to custom recipient groups/cohorts in one single action.

Online Document Sign-off

  • Verify documents sign-off, including time stamp, name and other details.
  • Using digital sign-off to verify the authenticity and integrity of your signed documents.

Real-time Alerts

  • Users receive immediate notifications for critical updates and reminders, ensuring important information is not missed.
  • Managers get alerts about non-responders, enabling quick actions to keep the team well-informed and responsive.

Our Add-on Features

Tailor your compliance software with these add-on modules.

Test Employee Understanding

Verify policy knowledge with interactive, custom quizzes.

Track Staff Engagement

Enhance response rates with deadlines and automated reminders.


Offer a simple way to carry out internal audits for major areas of compliance, including Fire Safety, Risk Assessment, and Company Checklists.

Compliance Consulting

Access expert support to ensure your documents meet compliance standards.

Integration Capabilities

Combine other third-party software (eg. HR, CRM) to create a unified data solution.

Brand Consistency

Customise the compliance software to reflect your brand identity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contractor onboarding software is a digital tool that streamlines the process of inducting contractors. It automates tasks such as document management, compliance tracking, and training to enhance efficiency and ensure a smooth onboarding experience for contractors.
This solution is ideal for HR departments, compliance teams, and health & safety teams. It is used to manage compliance training for employees, external contractors, and clients.
EduSafe's Compliance Solution is utilised to manage a variety of critical documents and compliance materials, including:
Personnel Documents: Employment contracts, staff risk assessments, and variation of terms letters.
Legal & Agreements: Regulatory updates, policies and procedures, non-disclosure agreements.
Survey & Feedback: Customer feedback forms, employee surveys, remote worker documents, and, workplace reports.
The platform securely stores signed documents and tracks user activity, providing a comprehensive audit trail that meets compliance standards and regulatory requirements.
Digital sign-off ensures documents are legit, reduces forgery risks, and creates a traceable record of who signed what, all crucial for meeting compliance standards.

Schedule a personalised consultation or book a demo today